I haven't written about our boys in quite some time, and I just wanted to share a few photos to let you know how great our little Brennan is doing! He just went to his pediatrician and his GI doc last week, and they both stated their disbelief at his overall health and growth. He is now in the 75th percentile for weight (21 pounds) and the 95th percentile for height and off the charts in head size (just like his brother, and all thanks to his dad on the latter two things). Brennan is a huge bundle of energy and joy. He started crawling at six months and is currently trying to climb and stand on everything (he'll be eight months on July 16). When we walk into the room and see him, his whole face breaks into this enormous grin with two little teeth and one super cute dimple. We melt every time, as you might imagine.
It is hard to believe, at times, what our sweet boy went through only a few months ago. He is so healthy and happy and energetic - we are blessed beyond measure. He still has reflux and a bit of iron deficiency, and takes meds and follows a somewhat strict diet, but these are things we are not complaining about! We continue to be so grateful that God brought Brennan into our lives, and we are so thankful for how well he is doing.
Tommy is also doing well. He's a high-energy 3 1/2 year old and keeps us super busy. He is learning about sharing with his brother. this is not his favorite thing. but he is also a super sweet big brother who eagerly waits for brennan to wake up from naps and loves to crawl in brennan's crib and cuddle him.
we feel so blessed to be sharing life with these two amazing boys, and we just wanted to give a little update on how they are doing. thank you again to all of you who have lifted up our family in the last months.